There is a place at the convergence of science and spirituality where you will find the peace and joy that you seek. When the conscious and spiritual minds work together, we are all connected and can improve outcomes in relationships, business, and personal growth. This is the place where creative inspiration is accessed; optimal functioning is supported through the deep relaxation and stress reduction benefits of meditation and spiritual connection.
It takes practice to function at the deeper levels of mind. Busy people often cannot maintain the commitment of a dedicated meditation and metaphysical discipline. Join us and countless other in uncovering the way to bring deeper meaning to your life.
Useful Links
Noetic Sciences »»
Center for Spiritualty & Healing »»
The Golden Key by Emmet Fox is a free exercise resource that you can use to help understand how to pray for someone else or about a personal situation. This essay has been recopied many times and the principles used by people around the globe.
The Ana B’Koach is an ancient Aramaic prayer with specific healing powers that has been used by people around the world. The link here provided is to the Kabbalah Centre Study Group in New Zealand, which provides specific information about how to study and use this prayer.